"Reading is an Avenue to Enlightenment and Inspiration"
Kristin Fulton


Welcome to Broadway Pacific Press
Hi. I'm Kristin Fulton, author and founder of Broadway Pacific Press. Our publishing house is in the process of adding new titles and new editions to our catalog of children's adventure stories and historical fiction. In July, 2023, the second edition of Sisters of the Soul was published with a new cover. It joins our 2022 titles, Henry Bingle's Transformation, a fable for all ages, and the second edition of Snake Food featuring all-new illustrations and bonus materials. A new picture book, Is THAT a Hat? is a wonderful read aloud for the younger set. Stay tuned for A Dangerously Close Encounter, the second book in the Hazelsmith Family Adventure Series, and the next epic historical novel in our literary fiction offerings. Please visit my author page on Amazon. amazon.com/author/kristinfulton
Sisters of the Soul
Elizabeth, a white woman, and Sophie, a Slave, embark on an adventure to escape the past and forge a new and better life in the Golden West.

Elizabeth, an illegitimate white child, is cast aside as an infant and raised by an enslaved family. She becomes one with her adopted sister, Sophie, the child closest in age to her. Though Elizabeth is eventually reclaimed by the white family who rejected her, the bond between Sophie and Elizabeth is unbreakable. As young women they escape the tyrannical bonds of plantation life, negotiating a harrowing path across the lower states to find refuge in San Francisco. Rose, Elizabeth's daughter, the result of a brutal rape, is born after they arrive. Elizabeth rejects the child, and the duty of motherhood falls on Sophie. Rose's bitterness at her mother's rejection turns to hate. Years of estrangement resolve when the women join forces to help the dislocated in the aftermath of the 1906 earthquake.
Paperback: 979-8-9885977-11
Hardbound: 979-8-9885977-2-8
Ebook: 979-8-9885977-0-4

From laughingstock to leader, Henry Bingle transforms the town of Hogvill from pigsty to park. Join the fun and find out how the crusading main character, an overweight, socially awkward thirteen-year old, joins forces with a magical forest Nixie and ends up inspiring his community.
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While you're there, check out my other titles:
Snake Food
The Haunting
Sisters of the Soul

Prudence finds a free hat and decides it is glorious. She goes to the zoo to show off the hat to all her friends. To her chagrin, Prue discovers her hat is more of a fright than a delight. A heart-warming, surprising conclusion is sure to satisfy readers of all ages. Perfect to read aloud!
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Listen to the free audio of IS THAT A HAT? read by the author.

Check out the second edition of Snake Food, with all new illustrations and additional materials!
Olivia and Theo are sent to spend the summer with their uncle, Professor Austin Hazelsmith, a terrifically inventive scientist. When the children arrive, they meet Lena Zelinsky, their uncle’s unpleasant housekeeper and Vladimir Trokov, his creepy laboratory assistant. The pair tell Olivia and Theo that their forgetful uncle has left on a sailing trip and might be gone for months. Suspecting that things are amiss, the kids are determined to get to the bottom of the Professor’s untimely disappearance. They join forces with Will, a neighbor boy, and enter a world of danger and intrigue when they discover the professor’s own brilliant inventions have been turned against him by the strange “housekeeper” and “lab assistant.” The children, with bravery and brains, outwit Trokov and Mrs. Zelinsky in a spirited and exciting showdown. Listen to chapter one by clicking the audio button below.
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Chance Jameson, an almost-13-year-old orphan, discovers he is a natural-born leader when Oak Hill Orphanage is faced with a terrible crisis. Miss May, the much-loved orphanage director, dies in a freak accident, leaving the orphanage in the hands of the greedy, ruthless Whipley twins. Their only goal is to use the orphans as a slave labor force.
Much to his surprise, Chance finds that he can see and communicate with the ghost of Miss May. Through teamwork, they devise a daring scheme to free Oak Hill from the clutches of the wicked twins.
With clever trickery, a few supernatural forces, and the help of all the orphans, they stage a fabulous haunting. The outcome is thrilling, and the victorious orphans reclaim Oak Hill, the best orphanage in the world.
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